TLSNotary is a project of Privacy and Scaling Explorations, an Ethereum Foundation supported team.

Who we are

TLSNotary is an open-source protocol developed by the Privacy and Scaling Exploration (PSE) research lab of the Ethereum Foundation. TLSNotary is not a new project; in fact, it has been around for more than a decade. In 2022, TLSNotary was rebuilt from the ground up in Rust incorporating state-of-the-art cryptographic protocols. This renewed version of the TLSNotary protocol offers enhanced security, privacy, and performance.

Get involved

An alpha version of the TLSNotary protocol is available for testing. We welcome folks to start playing around with it, including trying to break it! Both codebases are 100% Rust and compile to WASM targets with an eye on deployment into browser environments. All our code is and always will be open source! Dual-licensed under Apache 2 and MIT, at your choice. We've invested effort into making sure our code is modular and capable of evolving. We hope that others may find some of the components independently interesting and useful. Contributions are welcome!
Connect with us
Our team believes in open-source development with a strong emphasis on trustlessness. We are committed to transparency and community-driven improvements. Come find us in our public Discord to learn more and collaborate!
TLSNotary is a project of Privacy and Scaling Explorations, an Ethereum Foundation supported team.